Explore the iboga Retreat Program: Your Detailed Guide to Our Transformative Journey

Your retreat starts in Libreville, Gabon, featuring a carefully crafted daily schedule. Dive into a rich array of activities including welcoming Bwiti ceremony, full body herbal detox, Psycho-spiritual Iboga ceremonies, traditional Bwiti initiation, counseling, spiritual dinners, jungle exploration, and more. Every day is purposefully designed for deep spiritual growth and healing, with activities like, spiritual showers, group counseling, and fire talks.


Get initiated and take rites of passage into the thousands of years-old bwiti tradition. Heal once for all trough a soulful iboga retreat in the in the Jungle of Gabon.


Explore the iboga Retreat Program: Your Detailed Guide to Our Transformative Journey

Your retreat starts in Libreville, Gabon, featuring a carefully crafted daily schedule. Dive into a rich array of activities including welcoming ceremonies, full Iboga/Bwiti detox ceremonies, counseling, spiritual dinners, jungle exploration, and more. Every day is purposefully designed for deep spiritual growth and healing, with activities like, spiritual showers, group counseling, and fire talks.


Guests arrive in the vibrant city of Libreville, the gateway to your spiritual retreat. The initial day is designed to provide a smooth and comfortable transition into Gabon, setting a calm and welcoming tone for the transformative experience ahead at Moughenda's village.

Reception by Moughenda’s Team: You will be warmly greeted upon arrival at the Airport (LBV) by members of Moughenda's team, ensuring a welcoming start to your journey.

Transfer to Local Hotel: The team will facilitate your transfer to a selected local hotel, chosen for its comfort and proximity to the retreat location.

Accommodation Options: A range of lodging options are available to suit different preferences and budgets, with prices varying from $100 to $500 per night.

$ Onomo Hotel
$$ Park Inn by Radisson
$$$ Radisson Blu Okoume Palace


This first day at Moughenda's Village is thoughtfully planned to ease guests into the retreat experience, fostering a sense of connection, understanding, and preparation for the spiritual journey to come.

Hotel Pick Up - 10:00 am:
Begin your transformative journey with a comfortable and scenic 3h drive to Moughenda's Village.

Lunch and Lodge Settling - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Upon arrival, savor a heartening lunch featuring local nurishing meal. Post-lunch, settle into your lodge, your serene home for the retreat.

⁠Orientation and Village Tour - 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm: Engage in an informative orientation session led by Moughenda, introducing the retreat's structure and objectives. Follow this with a guided tour of the village, immersing in the local culture and environment.

Afternoon Nap - 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Dedicate the afternoon to rest and relaxation in preparation for the detox ceremony. This period of rest is crucial for centering your mind and body.

Getting ready for the ceremony 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm: You will be invited to get ready for the ceremony.

Firetalk with Moughenda - 8:00 pm - 11:00: Your first ceremony begins, marking your formal introduction to the Bwiti tradition. This immersive experience includes introduction to Bwiti teachings and cultural performances, setting the tone for your transformative journey ahead.

Commencement of the Full Body Detox Ceremony - 11:00 pm onwards: As the evening unfolds, the first ceremony begins, marking a pivotal point in your healing journey. This ceremony, led by Shaman Moughenda, is an immersive experience for deep physical, mental, and spiritual detoxification.


This day is intentionally structured to foster a deep sense of inner peace and healing assimilation, ensuring that guests have ample space and time to reflect on and absorb the profound transformations experienced during the retreat.

Breakfast in Bed 8:00 am - 10:00 am: Start your day in the comfort of your lodge with a gentle and nourishing breakfast, allowing you to ease into the day's reflective pace.

Morning Reflection 10:00 am - 12:00 pm: This time is reserved for personal contemplation and assimilation of the previous night's experiences. It's an opportunity to journal, meditate, or simply be present with your thoughts in the peaceful environment.

Lunch Break: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. A midday meal is served, designed to be lightyet revitalizing, supporting your continued journey of introspection and healing.

Transition to Restful Quarters: After lunch, retreat to your quarters for rest and relaxation. This period is vital for internalizing the healing and insights experienced during the ceremony.

Dinner Service 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm: The evening meal is a time to gently re-engage with the community, offering nutritious and comforting food to nourishyour body and soul.

Drifting to Sleep: Post Dinner. As the day concludes, you are encouraged tosurrender to a restful sleep, allowing your body and mind to fully process andintegrate the profound experiences of the retreat thus far.


This day's schedule is thoughtfully crafted to blend adventure with spiritual nourishment, providing a deep dive into the natural world and the rich cultural heritage of the Bwiti tribe.

Breakfast 8:00 am - 10:00 am: Begin your day with a wholesome breakfast, offering a variety of healthy options to energize you for the adventures ahead.

Morning Free Time 10:00 - 12:00 pm: This time is yours to enjoy at leisure.You can indulge in personal activities, relax, or mingle with other retreat participants amidst the serene setting.

Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm: Gather for a delightful lunch that provides both nourishment and a chance to connect with fellow guests.

Jungle Walk with The Bwiti Tribe - 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Embark on an enlightening jungle walk, guided by members of the Bwiti tribe. This immersive experience allows you to explore the rich biodiversity of the jungle and gain deeper insights into the tribe's connection with nature.

Preparation for Spiritual Dinner - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Participate in the preparation of the spiritual dinner, a communal and enriching activity that involves cooking with the day's foraged ingredients and learning about their significance in Bwiti culture.

Spiritual Dinner: 8:00 pm onwards: Enjoy the special spiritual dinner (100% Herbal Healing Vegan), a unique meal that combines the essence of the day's foraging with traditional culinary practices, known for its healing and nourishing properties.

⁠⁠ Sleeping Time - 10:00 pm onwards: After the enriching experiences of the day, retire to your lodge for a restful night's sleep, allowing the body and mind to assimilate the day's learnings and experiences.


This day's itinerary is thoughtfully crafted to support your physical and mental health, preparing you for the transformative second Iboga ceremony. This pivotal event represents a major milestone in your journey of personal and spiritual development throughout the retreat. We encourage you to formulate any questions you may have about your life, goals, family, quests for guidance, doubts, and fears. This introspective process is designed to deepen your engagement with the ceremony, allowing you to approach it with a clear mind and an open heart. By reflecting on these aspects of your life, you create an opportunity for profound insights and healing, fostering a stronger connection with your inner self and paving the way for meaningful transformation.

Breakfast 8:00 am - 10:00 am: Start your day with a balanced and energizing breakfast, setting a positive tone for the soul-enriching activities ahead.

Group Counseling with Moughenda 10:30 am - 12:30 pm:
Engage in a group counseling session led by Moughenda, a time for sharing, reflection, and receiving guidance on the spiritual path. This session is a valuable opportunity to process experiences and set intentions for the ceremony later in the day.

Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying lunch, designed to maintain your energy levels and focus for the afternoon's activities.

Afternoon Counseling and Personal Time: Post Lunch. The afternoon offers additional time for private counseling sessions with Moughenda or personal reflection, allowing you to delve deeper into your experiences and integrate the insights gained.

Dinner Service 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm: The evening meal is a time to gently re-engage with the community, offering nutritious and comforting food to nourish your body and soul.

Drifting to Sleep: Post Dinner.
As the day concludes, you are encouraged to surrender to a restful sleep, allowing your body and mind to fully process and integrate the profound experiences of the retreat thus far.


This day's itinerary is carefully designed to nurture both your physical and spiritual wellbeing, culminating in a powerful ceremony that marks a significant step in your personal and spiritual growth during the retreat.

Breakfast 8:00 am - 10:00 am: Start your day with a balanced and energizingbreakfast, setting a positive tone for the soul-enriching activities ahead.

Morning Reflection: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. This time is reserved for personal contemplation and assimilation of the previous night's experiences. It's an opportunity to journal, meditate, or simply be present with your thoughts in the peaceful environment.

Lunch 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Enjoy a midday meal that is both satisfying and nourishing, providing you with the energy needed for the afternoon's rest and the evening's deep spiritual work.

Long Nap 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Dedicate the afternoon to rest and relaxation, allowing your body and mind to recharge and prepare for the transformative journey in the evening.

Fire Talk with Moughenda - 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm. As the evening settles, gather around the fire for an insightful talk with Moughenda, deepening your understanding of the Bwiti teachings and preparing your spirit for the night's ceremony.

Psycho-Spiritual Journey Ceremony - 9:00 pm onwards: Embark on a profound psycho-spiritual journey, a ceremonial experience guided by Moughenda. This ceremony is an integral part of your healing and spiritual exploration, offering deep insights and transformation.


This schedule for Day 6 is designed to balance individual reflection and communal interaction, facilitating a nurturing environment for both personal growth and collective support.

Breakfast: 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Start the day with a peaceful and nutritious breakfast, providing a moment of calm to reflect on your journey.

Morning Reflection: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Use this time for personal introspection, assimilating insights and experiences from the previous day.

Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. A midday meal that's both nourishing and comforting, allowing for continued reflection and relaxation.

1-1 Counseling with Moughenda: Schedule Varies. Personal counseling sessions with Moughenda, offering tailored guidance and deeper insights into your spiritual path.

Dinner: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. A communal dinner, providing an opportunity to reconnect with fellow retreat participants and share experiences in a supportive environment.

Group Counseling (Optional): 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm. An optional group counseling session for those who wish to engage in collective reflection and shared learning.

Sleeping Time: 10:00 pm onwards. Conclude the day with a restful and rejuvenating sleep, essential for processing the transformative experiences of the retreat.


This day is carefully planned to focus on spiritual cleansing and renewal, using traditional practices to nurture both the physical and spiritual aspects of your being, creating a profound sense of renewal and readiness for the Bwiti initiation ahead.

Breakfast: 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Enjoy a wholesome breakfast with variousoptions to begin your day with vitality and mindfulness, setting the right tone forthe spiritual activities ahead.

Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Savor a nutritious lunch, crafted to nourish yourbody and complement the day's cleansing activities.

Spiritual Shower: Post Lunch. Partake in a spiritual shower in the afternoon, a ritual involving natural herbs and waters, symbolizing the washing away of past burdens and the renewal of your spirit.

Dinner: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Conclude the day with a peaceful evening meal, offering a time for quiet reflection and communal bonding.

Rest and Reflection: Post Dinner. The evening offers a chance for personal reflection or gentle interaction with fellow retreat participants, integrating the day's cleansing experiences.

This day is carefully planned to focus on spiritual cleansing and renewal, using traditional practices to nurture both the physical and spiritual aspects of your being, creating a profound sense of renewal and readiness for the Bwiti initiation ahead.


This day's itinerary is thoughtfully crafted to support your physical and mental health, preparing you for the transformative third Iboga ceremony. This pivotal event represents a major milestone in your journey of personal and spiritual development throughout the retreat. We encourage you to formulate any questions you may have about your life, goals, family, quests for guidance, doubts, and fears. This introspective process is designed to deepen your engagement with the ceremony, allowing you to approach it with a clear mind and an open heart. By reflecting on these aspects of your life, you create an opportunity for profound insights and healing, fostering a stronger connection with your inner self and paving the way for meaningful transformation.

Breakfast 8:00 am - 10:00 am: Start your day with a balanced and energizing breakfast, setting a positive tone for the soul-enriching activities ahead.

Group Counseling with Moughenda 10:30 am - 12:30 pm: Engage in a group counseling session led by Moughenda, a time for sharing, reflection, and receiving guidance on the spiritual path. This session is a valuable opportunity to process experiences and set intentions for the ceremony later in the day.

Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying lunch, designed to maintain your energy levels and focus for the afternoon's activities.

Afternoon Counseling and Personal Time: Post Lunch. The afternoon offers additional time for private counseling sessions with Moughenda or personal reflection, allowing you to delve deeper into your experiences and integrate the insights gained.

Dinner Service 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm: The evening meal is a time to gently re-engage with the community, offering nutritious and comforting food to nourish your body and soul.

Drifting to Sleep: Post Dinner.
As the day concludes, you are encouraged to surrender to a restful sleep, allowing your body and mind to fully process and integrate the profound experiences of the retreat thus far.


Today's schedule is meticulously crafted to support your journey of transformation and self-discovery through the profound practice of Bwiti initiation. This sacred rite of passage is a deeply significant step towards embracing true adulthood, offering an unparalleled opportunity to explore and affirm your identity at any stage of life. The initiation includes distinct, gender-specific rituals that are thoughtfully designed to respect and enhance your personal evolution. As you engage in these ancient ceremonies, you will be guided towards unlocking new levels of growth, understanding, and empowerment, marking a pivotal moment in your journey towards authentic self-realization.

Breakfast: 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Start your day with a balanced and energizing breakfast, setting a positive tone for the soul-enriching activities ahead.

Lunch: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Enjoy a midday meal that is both satisfying andnourishing, providing you with the energy needed for the afternoon's rest and theevening's deep

Long Nap: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm. Dedicate the afternoon to rest and relaxation,allowing your body and mind to recharge and prepare for the transformativejourney in the evening.

Preparing the Body, Mind & Soul: The Gateway to Bwiti Ancestral Initiation : 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

In the lead-up to your profound initiation, the Bwiti tribe will warmly welcome you into a series of deeply meaningful preparatory rituals, designed to seamlessly integrate you into the heart of their spiritual lineage. This preparation involves the ceremonial application of special traditional makeup and the enactment of distinct rituals, each imbued with rich symbolism and purpose. These rites are not merely preparatory steps; they are sacred acts of introduction to the ancestors of the Bwiti tradition and the Spirits of Iboga, establishing a vital connection that enriches your spiritual and cultural immersion. Through these carefully curated practices, you will be adorned not just in physical appearance but prepared in spirit, aligning you with the ancestral energies and teachings of the Bwiti. This meticulous preparation ensures you are wholly ready, both in body and soul, to embark on the transformative journey of initiation, embracing the profound growth and empowerment it heralds.

Fire Talk with Moughenda: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm. As the evening settles, gather around the fire for an insightful talk with Moughenda, deepening your understanding of the Bwiti teachings and preparing your spirit for the night's ceremony.

Bwiti Initiation Ceremony: 9:00 pm onwards. Embark on a profound psycho-spiritual journey, a ceremonial experience guided by Moughenda. This ceremony is an integral part of your healing and spiritual exploration, offering deep insights and transformation.

*Given the sacred character of the initiation process, we are unable to share photographs or videos depicting an actual initiation ceremony.


This day is intentionally structured to foster a deep sense of inner peace and healing assimilation, ensuring that guests have ample space and time to reflect on and absorb the profound transformations experienced during the retreat.

Breakfast in Bed: 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Start your day in the comfort of your lodge with a gentle and nourishing breakfast, allowing you to ease into the day's reflective pace.

Morning Reflection: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. This time is reserved for personal contemplation and assimilation of the previous night's experiences. It's an opportunity to journal, meditate, or simply be present with your thoughts in the peaceful environment.

Lunch Break: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
A midday meal is served, designed to be light yet revitalizing, supporting your continued journey of introspection and healing.

Transition to Restful Quarters: Post Lunch. After lunch, retreat to your quarters for rest and relaxation. This period is vital for internalizing the healing and insights experienced during the ceremony.

Dinner Service: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. The evening meal is a time to gently re-engage with the community, offering nutritious and comforting food to nourish your body and soul.

Drifting to Sleep:
Post Dinner. As the day concludes, you are encouraged to surrender to a restful sleep, allowing your body and mind to fully process and integrate the profound experiences of the retreat thus far.


Breakfast: 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Enjoy a wholesome breakfast with various options to begin your day with vitality and mindfulness, setting the right tone for the spiritual activities ahead.

Traditional Sauna: Post Breakfast. Engage in a traditional sauna experience, a practice aimed at purifying the body and spirit, enhancing relaxation, and promoting a deep sense of inner peace.

Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Savor a nutritious lunch, crafted to nourish your body and complement the day's cleansing activities.

Dinner: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Conclude the day with a peaceful evening meal,offering a time for quiet reflection and communal bonding.


This day's program is thoughtfully structured to support the integration of your experiences through counseling, communal interaction, and insightful activities, ensuring a comprehensive and nurturing approach to your spiritual growth and healing journey.

Breakfast: 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Start your day with a nourishing breakfast, offering a range of healthful options to energize and balance you for the day's introspective activities.

Full Review with Moughenda: Morning to Early Afternoon. This time is dedicated to an in-depth review with Moughenda, providing an opportunity to reflect on your experiences, discuss progress, and gain further insights into your spiritual journey.

Lunch: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm. Enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying lunch, designed to maintain your energy levels and focus for the afternoon's activities.

Afternoon Counseling and Personal Time: Post Lunch. The afternoon offers additional time for counseling sessions with Moughenda or personal reflection, allowing you to delve deeper into your experiences and integrate the insights gained.

Dinner: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Gather for an evening meal that provides comfort and nourishment, fostering a sense of community and warmth among all participants.

Fire Talk at the Temple with (Optional Iboga Micro dosing): Post Dinner. The evening culminates with a fire talk session, complemented by a micro dosing experience. This session is designed to deepen your understanding, integrate the day's learnings, and prepare you for the final stages of the retreat.


This final full day at the retreat is designed to provide a sense of closure and completion, allowing participants to honor their experiences, celebrate their growth, and look forward to the journey ahead with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

Breakfast 8:00 am - 10:00 am: Begin your day with a light and energizing breakfast, providing the perfect start for a day filled with meaningful closing activities.

Packing and Reflection: Morning to Midday. Take this time to pack your belongings and reflect on the journey you have experienced. It's a moment to internalize the transformations and prepare for your journey home.

Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm: Enjoy a refreshing and sustaining midday meal, offering a moment of pause and nourishment amidst the day's activities.

Planting Iboga Seeds: Post Lunch. Engage in the symbolic and meaningful activity of planting Iboga seeds at the village sanctuary. This act is not only arepresentation of planting new intentions and the beginning of growth andtransformation in your life, but it also serves as a symbol of your presence at thevillage. Your name will be added to a board as a lasting memory of your visit,leaving a personal imprint within the community.

Group Pictures: Photo with Moughenda & the Nganga Team

Dinner: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Gather for a hearty dinner, a time to connect with fellow retreat participants, sharing experiences and reflections on the retreat.

Final Fire Talk:
Post Dinner. Conclude the day with a final fire talk, an opportunity for communal sharing and imparting final insights and blessings. This session is a powerful closure to the retreat, marking the end of an extraordinary journey.


Breakfast: Served early to accommodate various departure schedules. This farewell meal is an opportunity to savor your final moments at the retreat, providing a gentle transition from the immersive experience to your journey home.

Departure for Libreville Airport or a Hotel in Libreville: After breakfast, you will be assisted with your departure, ensuring a smooth and comfortable transition back to Libreville, whether you are headed to the airport or a hotel in the city. This concluding day marks the end of your transformative retreat experience. The early breakfast and departure assistance are designed to ensure a seamless and reflective end to your journey, allowing you to carry the peace, insights, and growth gained from the retreat back into your everyday life.

The Journey Continues for
(6 months):
The transformative benefits of Iboga can sustain you for up to six months, presenting a valuable opportunity to reshape your life. Tune into your inner voice, choose wisely, and establish positive habits. Embrace this chance to evolve into the greatest version of who you can be. One essential stipulation: abstain from alcohol for the ensuing six months.

#1 iboga retreat with Bwiti initiation in the world

Read all testimonials from our alumni around the world.

Apply now
Bwiti House
Trust Score 4.7/5

14-days iboga retreat with state of art bwiti initiation

Your path to healing culminates here: with a singular opportunity to wholly heal, unearth the answers you've been seeking, and metamorphose your life from within.

A complete cultural immersion with BWITI INITIATION

Embrace the Bwiti Tradition: A Gateway to Profound Personal Transformation. The Bwiti, meaning 'the study of life,' offers more than just a spiritual practice. It's a journey towards profound self-discovery and enlightenment. By choosing to be initiated into this ancient tradition, you are not merely participating in a ritual; you are committing to become a lifelong learner in the profound school of life. Whether you seek physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual renewal, Bwiti initiation opens the door to deep clarity, self-realization, and an awakened understanding of your true purpose. Step into this transformative experience and leave with a newfound sense of identity and direction.

Personal Growth and Healing with The BWITI Initiation

Experience the Transformative Power of Bwiti Rites of Passage: A Journey to True Adulthood. The Bwiti Rites of Passage mark a pivotal moment in life, symbolizing the transition into authentic adulthood on all levels. While traditionally undertaken in the early years of life, these rites welcome participants of any age, offering a timeless opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Participants undergo unique, gender-specific practices, each meticulously designed to honor and empower the individual journey.

Highlights: 14-Day Retreat in Gabon with Key Activities and Experiences


For tens of thousands of years, human beings have conducted ceremonies as bridges between the physical and the spiritual realms. Participating in these rites feels like a voyage through time, offering a glimpse into the primal essence of humanity, unmarred by modernity, and unveiling the profound significance of ceremony. Traditional Welcome Ceremonies are orchestrated approximately every two weeks during retreat sessions.


GUIDED BY MOUGHENDA MIKALA, a 10th generation Missoko Bwiti Shaman. Psycho-spiritual healing retreat assures the chance to partake in at least 3 psycho-spiritual healing ceremonies steered by Moughenda. Each ceremony features a "firetalk" by Moughenda, imparting the age-old Bwiti Truth Teachings, tales of Iboga and the Bwiti tradition's lineage, alongside personal narratives from Moughenda. This encounter is a unique peek into authentic fireside storytelling resonating with history, tradition, and veracity.

The Bwiti philosophy suggests that true happiness and peace come from within, and Iboga serves as a tool to uncover this inner truth, clearing away the shadows of misconceptions and false beliefs. The experience of connecting with one's inner child and ancestors is like the sun rising, bringing warmth, understanding, and a sense of belonging that enlightens the individual's path forward.

The notorious “JOURNEY TO THE MOON”

In catering to foreigners unfamiliar with the tradition, the spirit of Iboga guided Moughenda to lead individuals on a spiritual voyage to the moon (referred to as "Mrs. Moon") to unearth the answers and truth essential for healing.

Within this live journey, individuals encounter their own soul, engaging in direct dialogue, and receiving authentic answers to their heart's inquiries (journeyers are urged to bring a list of questions). They also gain the capacity to connect with ancestors and loved ones, whether passed on or living.

This method, introduced by Moughenda, has since been embraced, disseminated, and is now practiced by numerous Iboga facilitators and retreat centers globally. This singular opportunity facilitates healing on spiritual, physical, and mental-emotional dimensions.


The ancient Bwiti teachings, imparted to the earliest Bwiti people by the Spirit of Iboga, hold the golden keys to enduring healing and tranquility of mind. These teachings unveil a series of truths clarifying life's essence, our human identity, our purpose, and the functioning of the mind. It's less about acquiring new knowledge and more about reawakening to our inherent nature, both individually and collectively.

These teachings intertwine with the medicine, fostering the healing process and providing attendees with a stellar array of maintenance tools. When employed persistently, these tools yield happiness, life appreciation, and peace of mind. Their timeless relevance stems from the unchanging nature of humans and the consistent workings of the human mind, regardless of the epoch we inhabit. The truth, eternally unaltered, renders these teachings as pertinent to ancient humans as to modern-day individuals.

The teachings are strikingly straightforward and easily digestible, as the truth invariably is.


Moughenda Mikala, 10th generation Missoko Bwiti shaman
Meet the shaman

Iboga: A Path to Self-Discovery and Ancestral Connection

Iboga, a plant from Gabon used in Bwiti spiritual practices, offers a journey that can be compared to the clarity and revelation of daylight. This path emphasizes self-focus, introspection, and a connection with ancestors, illuminating the inner self as if under the bright light of day.

The remarkable, life-changing benefits of the Iboga plant medicine are gradually gaining recognition in the Western world, especially in the realms of chronic anxiety/depression, trauma, PTSD, and addiction. However, the roots of Iboga and the accompanying Bwiti tradition trace back over 10,000 years, originating from Gabon in Central West Africa.

With its rising popularity, the use of Iboga has transcended borders, finding its way to the West and across the globe, offering healing and treatment for a vast array of conditions. Unique in its capacity, Iboga stands alone as a plant medicine capable of facilitating healing on physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual levels. The remarkable success rate of Iboga paves the way for individuals to profoundly transform their lives from within.

Curious about the source of its potent and effective nature? Journey to “the root” and discover the magic first-hand!


Ayahuasca vs. Iboga Experience

The spiritual and psychological journeys offered by Ayahuasca and Iboga are not just different; they are as contrasting as night and day, each providing unique experiences and outcomes. While both substances are used in traditional healing and spiritual ceremonies, their effects, purposes, and the nature of the experiences they induce vary significantly, illustrating a stark divergence in their paths to healing and self-discovery.

Ayahuasca often leads individuals on a nocturnal journey through the unknown and lost in translation, which can be unsettling and leave them feeling lost in the darkness. In contrast, Iboga provides a route to inner discovery and ancestral connection that is illuminating, much like the clarity and insight brought by daylight. This inward journey, under the metaphorical light of Iboga, encourages individuals to find their inner peace and stability, grounding them in the present and offering a more integrative and self-focused healing experience.

Iboga vs. Ayahuasca - A Comparative Insight


Primary Region

Central Africa Equatorial Rainforest (Gabon)

Amazon Rainforest (South america - Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia)

Cultural Association

Primarily associated with the Bwiti Spiritual Path and Pygmy groups.

Various indigenous peoples of the Amazon, including the Shipibo and Tukano.

Active Compounds

Ibogaine (mainly), along with other alkaloids such as tabernanthine, ibogamine, coronaridine

Ayahuasca combines DMT, Banisteriopsis caapi's harmala alkaloids (MAOIs), and often small dose of Datura's tropane alkaloids—scopolamine, hyoscyamine, atropine—for psychoactive effects.

Traditional Use

Use by Pygmies and in Bwiti rituals. Genetic studies suggest Pygmies have been in Central Africa for 60,000 years.

Archaeological evidence of psychoactive plant use in the Amazon dating back over 2,500 years.

Experience Nature

Described as a full body detox and 25 years of self-psychoanalysis condensed into 3 ceremonies, this process heals past traumas, enhances grounding and self-awareness. It enables rediscovery of peace, happiness, and clarity by connecting with your true self, offering a unique journey of personal insight.

Evokes strong emotions, reveals suppressed trauma, leads to personal revelations. More about connecting with the outside world and deep connection with nature.

Therapeutic Use

Physical Healing

See more +
  • Comprehensive Body Detoxification

  • Environmental Toxin Cleansing

  • Drug/Substance Purification

  • Fungal Inhibition

  • Bacterial Counteraction

  • Viral Suppression

  • Chronic Pain Alleviation

  • Enhanced Neuroplasticity

  • Neurotransmitter Reset

  • Traumatic Brain Injury Restoration

  • Autoimmune Disease Amelioration

  • Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

Mental/ Emotional Healing

See more +
  • Trauma and PTSD Healing

  • Depression and Anxiety Alleviation

  • Recovery from Various Addictions

  • Social Media Dependency Treatment

  • Eating Disorder Remediation

  • Release of Unhealthy Attachments

  • Severance of Attachments to the Deceased

  • Purging Negative Thought Patterns

  • Pattern Disruption

  • Grounding and Centering

  • Boosts Emotional Resilience and Security

  • Fosters Self-Love

  • Delivers Truth and Answers

  • Clarifies Mind

  • Instills Peace of Mind

  • Enhances Life Enjoyment

Spiritual Healing

See more +
  • Spiritual Cleansing

  • Spiritual Renewal

  • Connecting with Your True Self/Soul

  • Ancestral Healing

  • Communion with Departed Loved Ones

  • Third Eye Awakening

  • Spiritual and Self Discovery

  • Spiritual Grounding

Physical / Mental Healing

See more +
  • Treatment of Depression and Anxiety

  • Symptom Reduction

  • Induction of Psychedelic Experiences

  • Emotional Breakthroughs

Spiritual Inspiration:

See more +
  • Unlocking Profound Spiritual Insights

  • Facilitating Creative Breakthroughs

  • Intense Visionary Experiences

  • Deepening Understanding of the World

  • Reconnecting with Nature

  • Catalyzing Personal and Artistic Inspiration

⚠️ Disclaimer: No medical findings definitively confirm Ayahuasca's benefits. Some users have reported feelings of disconnection from reality, traumatic experiences, and prolonged lack of clarity lasting years post-experience.

Preparation and Administration

Root bark ground into powder
(No mixture)

A brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and DMT-rich plants like Chacruna (Psychotria viridis), or highly toxic Datura (devil’s trumpet) from the nightshade family.

Ritual Practices

Guided by a traditional Shaman throughout the entire ceremony, accompanied by a team of traditional healers.

Self guided journey accompanied by a team of traditional musicians.

Key points

Duration of Effects

Phase 1 - 12h - 1 Night (Psycho Spiritual Journey)

Phase 2 -12h - 1 Day (Processing Time)

Unique Phase 4-6 hours

Spiritual Guided journey by a Shaman



Self Psycho-Analysis / Life review



Soul Meeting (Conversation with
 your innerchild)



Journey to the Moon
(Speak to your ancestors)



Initiations & Rites of Passage



Clear communication
throughout your journey
in your own language



Lost in translation

Consumed  in its natural state



This brew is prepared by shamans
 with human intervention.

Listed in National Constitution
as a Cultural Heritage
and National Treasure


Since 2000 in Gabon


Nasdaq Investment in research

500 Million $

0 Million $

Average number of retreats by participant

Once in a lifetime


Average number of retreats by participant

Business and Leadership:

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Free yourself from the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual burdens obstructing your happiness and tranquility. Attaining healing across these three realms ignites substantial waves of positive change in every aspect of life including career, relationships, financial stability, health, and the chase of passion and purpose.


  • Comprehensive Body Detoxification

  • Environmental Toxin Cleansing

  • Drug/Substance Purification

  • Fungal Inhibition

  • Bacterial Counteraction

  • Viral Suppression

  • Chronic Pain Alleviation

  • Enhanced Neuro-plasticity

  • Neurotransmitter Reset

  • Traumatic Brain Injury Restoration

  • Auto-Immune Disease Amelioration

  • Parkinson’s Disease Treatment


  • Trauma and PTSD Healing

  • Depression and Anxiety Alleviation

  • Recovery from Various Addictions

  • Social Media Dependency Treatment

  • Eating Disorder Remediation

  • Release of Unhealthy Attachments

  • Severance of Attachments to the Deceased

  • Purging Negative Thought Patterns

  • Pattern Disruption

  • Grounding and Centering

  • Boosts Emotional Resilience and Security

  • Fosters Self-Love

  • Delivers Truth and Answers

  • Clarifies Mind

  • Instills Peace of Mind

  • Enhances Life Enjoyment


  • Spiritual Cleansing

  • Spiritual Renewal

  • Connecting with Your True Self/Soul

  • Ancestral Healing

  • Communion with Departed Loved Ones

  • Third Eye Awakening

  • Spiritual and Self Discovery

  • Spiritual Grounding

Bloomberg Originals

Transform your life
14-days Iboga retreat in gabon

Apply now to access full details and secure your opportunity to be chosen for our exclusive spiritual Iboga retreat in Gabon.

“The Village Saved My Life:  I was impressed with the caring nature of each member of the village. Everybody I encountered was deeply knowledgeable, kind, thorough and committed to helping people heal. I’ve never met a more devoted group of people like the Missoko Bwiti in Moughenda’s Village. Thank you Moughenda, Bossengue, Manimha, Lucien and all the beautiful people who supported me in my journey!"

Pamela M. Rosario Pérez

Chief Happiness Officer -
Harvard Business School Graduate



1 full body - mind detox

2 psycho-spiritual ceremonies

Accommodation and meals

Authentic Iboga Ceremony

Jungle treck, Fire talks, and more

Apply now

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Iboga Rretreat in Gabon

Still have a questions in mind? contact us directly!
Contact us
Is Gabon a safe place to travel to?

Gabon, known as the "Switzerland of West Africa" due to its wealth in oil, minerals, and woods, boasts a high GDP and a small population of 2 million. This prosperity is reflected in its safety, as indicated by its ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index, just after Thailand and before Georgia.During your visit to Gabon, you'll be in the safe hands of Moughenda's team, with a 30-year track record of guest safety. Upon arrival, authorities will be aware of your intention to respectfully explore Gabon's treasures, aligning with the government's tourism promotion efforts.

Is Iboga Safe?

Iboga is safe when used responsibly under the guidance of a traditionally trained provider or shaman, following a comprehensive health assessment, EKG, and medication review. However, it's important to note its contraindications; individuals with cardiovascular or liver diseases, or those on certain medications or narcotics, may face serious risks.Additionally, the authenticity of Iboga is crucial. The market is rife with counterfeit products, including lab-grown Iboga that is too young for use and can cause significant harm. Therefore, verifying the source of Iboga is essential for safety.For those seeking Iboga for drug or alcohol detox, working with a Bwiti shaman experienced in its traditional use, like Moughenda, is key to ensuring a safe and effective detox process. Transparency about your health and medication history is vital for safety.

Is Iboga Legal?

The legal status of Iboga varies significantly around the world. In Gabon, Iboga is 100% legal, recognized as a national treasure and an integral part of cultural heritage, enshrined in the Gabonese constitution. This reflects its deep-rooted significance in traditional practices and ceremonies.However, the situation is different in many other countries, where Iboga is illegal. This is largely due to concerns about its misuse outside traditional contexts. Iboga is not a plant that should be purchased online and used at home, given its profound effects and potential risks. The misuse and disconnection from its ancient, ceremonial use, as practiced by groups like the Bwiti Missoko, have led to its illegal status in these regions.For those considering Iboga, particularly for drug or alcohol detox, it's crucial to consult with experienced traditional Healer/Shaman like Moughenda. Such experts are well-versed in its traditional uses and can ensure a safe and effective experience.

Will someone help me prepare for my trip and provide a packing list?

Absolutely! Once you book your retreat, we'll assign you a dedicated private concierge. They will guide you through the entire process, offering detailed preparation guidelines, informative packets, and comprehensive packing lists to ensure you're fully prepared for your experience.

What's the difference between Iboga and Ibogaine?

Iboga, in its natural root bark form, is integral to traditional Bwiti Missoko ceremonies, offering a holistic approach to healing that encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. Under Moughenda's guidance, it's also used in medically supervised detox programs for drug/alcohol addiction, acknowledging its risks but leveraging its full therapeutic potential.In contrast, Ibogaine, an extract from the Iboga plant, is commonly used in detox clinics outside Gabon. While it's effective in binding to opiate receptors and aiding detoxification, Ibogaine lacks the comprehensive 'Spirit' of Iboga. This often results in a superficial treatment, leading to a pattern where clients may repeatedly return to clinics for additional treatments. Moughenda's 60 days ultimate detox program uniquely combines the detox benefits of Iboga with the profound healing of traditional Bwiti Missoko ceremonies. This method ensures a complete healing experience, addressing not just the physical but also the emotional and spiritual aspects, often overlooked by pharmaceutical-driven Ibogaine treatments. For a holistic and enduring recovery, Moughenda's approach, deeply rooted in traditional practices, is highly recommended. Request a discovery call and select Detox

What's the difference between Ayahuasca and Iboga?

Iboga and Ayahuasca are akin to comparing day and night. Often, individuals turn to Iboga after experiencing multiple retreats with Ayahuasca, feeling a sense of being 'lost in translation.' Iboga excels in helping people recover from traumatic experiences, offering grounding and definitive healing. Unlike the ongoing journey that Ayahuasca might represent, Bwiti's aim with Iboga is not to perpetuate an endless quest but to facilitate self-discovery, allowing individuals to truly understand themselves and enjoy life in a sober state.

Is Iboga scary?

Although some people experience some fear before their first time working with the medicine (which is normal), once the ceremony begins, the fear usually goes away, and the experience tends to be calm and peaceful overall.

Unfortunately, because Iboga is so new to the Western World, there is not a lot of accurate information that is easily available.  There is, however, a good amount of fear-based information that exists on the internet. The majority of those accounts are from people who were overdosed or served medicine incorrectly by an untrained person (or taken alone). Iboga is dangerous and can have severe consequences if not taken with a traditionally trained Provider or Shaman.

Here are some commonly experienced fears:

1) Fear of loss of controlThere can be an experience of having loss of control with an Iboga ceremony that some people may find scary.  Although motor coordination can be altered, with Iboga you feel quite in tune with yourself and your surroundings while the medicine is taking its course, it is not a medicine that causes people to act or behave erratically or out of character.

2) Fear of facing the truthFor others it is not the loss of control that is scary but facing the truth and seeing the lies they tell themselves. Things may come up that you have been in denial about / not seeing clearly.  Iboga helps you maintain a healthy perspective during this process. Moughenda and his team are always available for support and counseling.

3) Fear of having a bad trip Provided that you are taking medicine with a traditionally trained Provider or genuine Shaman and have been given a correct dosage, there is no reason a person should experience a “bad trip.” Sometimes, however, experiences can be challenging and difficult (mostly emotionally). Most reports of bad trips are from people who experiment with taking ibogaine or Iboga by themselves at home or were incorrectly served medicine by an untrained person.

Is Iboga for me?

Very few people have heard of Iboga.  If you are thinking of Iboga, or feel an intuitive pull towards it, then likely the plant has something important to offer you. Full precautions must always be taken with a health assessment, EKG & medications review, and under the care of a traditionally trained Provider or Shaman, in a safe and appropriate environment.

Will I feel nauseous/vomit on Iboga?

Some people do, and some people don’t.  Everyone is different. We would estimate about 35% of people feel nauseous or vomit during ceremony. If you vomit during your ceremony, there is nothing to worry about. Vomiting is a natural way to help you physically, emotionally and spiritually purge, detox, and cleanse. Still, no one likes to vomit. The Bwiti House team is experienced and prepared to help people through this process as comfortably and effectively as possible.

How does it feel to be on Iboga?

Iboga offers a unique experience that varies from person to person. At Moughenda's village, many describe it as being in a deep meditation, yet fully conscious and in control. It can be physically intense, heightening awareness.Distinct from other entheogens, Iboga, a root, is grounding. It fosters self-awareness and a deep connection to oneself and surroundings. Rather than an escape, Iboga encourages introspection.Reactions vary; some find peace and calm, while others experience a hyper-active mind. Its stimulant properties often keep people awake for 24 hours, allowing continuous conscious processing, without feeling tired. Sleep comes naturally afterward.

Is there a special diet required before taking Iboga?

There is no strict diet required to prepare for Iboga.  However, following a clean and healthy diet as much as possible leading up to your retreat can reduce purging during your ceremony.  If your body is mostly clean and detoxed going in to ceremony, the medicine can more quickly get to the spiritual, emotional, and mental work with you.

How do I prepare for an Iboga ceremony?

Health screening: Make sure you have reviewed your health history and disclosed all information to the Bwiti House team.  If you have certain health conditions, working with Iboga maybe unsafe.  Also, if you  are taking certain pharmaceuticals or other drugs, you should not take Iboga at the same time period.  

We recommend everyone get an EKG to ensure you have a healthy heart prior to working with Iboga.  

Diet:There is no strict diet required to prepare for Iboga.  However, following a clean and healthy diet as much as possible leading up to your retreat can reduce purging during your ceremony.  If your body is mostly clean and detoxed going in to ceremony, the medicine can more quickly get to the spiritual, emotional, and mental work with you.

Prepare to Unplug: You should be unplugged from technology and internet for the majority of your retreat. Organize your affairs in advance so you have nothing to worry about during your time here.  Let people know you will be unplugged so that no one is expecting to hear from you. You must make a commitment to yourself and your healing if you expect a good outcome.

Reflect: The main preparation for an iboga ceremony is simply to focus on becoming aware of you and your life. We recommend that you grab a notebook or a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the center of it. On one side of that line write down all the things you don’t want in your life or want less of in your life, (e.g., no anxiety, less stress). Then in the other column write down what you want in your life or what you want more of in your life (e.g., peace of mind, happiness).

Finally, on the back of that paper we will ask you to generate questions around these focal points.

State of Mind: Finally- to prepare- we recommend coming in to the experience with the following:

-An open-mind / few expectations:  Iboga works with everyone in a different way, and everyone has a unique experience.  Let go of what you believe Iboga will be like and surrender to being in the present moment with the process as it unfolds for you.  

-Excitement:  Iboga is a great teacher who has helped countless people better their lives.  Be excited for this process!

“Why do I have anxiety and how do I get rid of it?”“How do I not get stressed out over stuff? How do I not get stressed out over  ______?”“Why do I not have peace of mind? How can I attain peace of mind?”“How can I have more happiness in my life?”

This process will assist you in having clarity and truth about what matters to you in your life. There will be a point in your ceremony that you will have a chance to directly ask your soul and the medicine these questions.

Program Foundation:

The traditional Bwiti Missoko Initiation is a unique offering held only in Gabon by the Bwiti Missoko Tribe endorsed by the Minister of Tourism of Gabon, thus if this retreat piques your interest, it's crucial to inquire and ensure your booking aligns with the correct time-frame. For any further inquiries or deeper understanding regarding the Bwiti Initiation or Rites of Passage, feel free to select the relevant option on the application form.